Tuesday, November 11, 2008


What ever things are true,

Whatever things are noble,

Whatever things are pure,

Whatever things are lovely,

Whatever things are of good report,

if there is any virtue, and if

there is anything praiseworthy-

meditate on these things.

Holy Bible - Philippians 4:8

Good Health

Helpful Hints by Ms. Karen Stewart

Stores: Shop at "Health Food Stores" (along with regular market items)

1. Trader Joes * - Health food store.

2. Papa Jons * - Health food store.

* Some Vitamin Supplements are ok for extra boost (choose wisely)

* Juicer - Buy a juicer, start juicing.

* Exercise (whatever kind works for you)- walking, biking, running -
working out at the gym.

* Drinking Water (8 glasses a day) - Purified Clean Water.

* Good Books to Read on Health:

Rachel Ray Cookbook - 30 Minute Meals

Eat, Drink & Be Healthy - Dr. Ted Broer

Maximum Energy Cookbook - Dr. Ted Broer

Dr. Don Colbert - Whole line of books on health.

Fasting (Seek God) - Commandment of God.

Rear View Mirror

A published poem by Ms. Karen Kearney

Looking in your rearview mirror

Who is it that you see?

A reflection of times gone past

Or of that someone you want to be.

What do you do when the past is gone

And you can't go back any more,

What mistakes you now cannot change

To go back to the time before?

Somewhere there is a place

For anyone who cares

Maybe that someone is you

Somehow you'll find the answer

You need

Some way you can make it through.

Hold on to what is good

And throw the rest away

Life is taking the chance

Of what you do and say.

Karen Kearney

Copyright 2003 Karen Kearney

Thank you all for clicking on and please send us your comments.

God Bless!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Family November Birthdays

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my family members

Happy Birthday.

Happy 10th Birthday Vanessa Jeanine, my granddaughter.

Happy 13th Birthday, my grandson, Gregory Anthony Jr.

Happy 32nd Birthday Kimberly Dawn, my loving daughter.

Happy 41st Birthday Jennifer Angelique, my baby daughter.

Happy 45th Birthday Jeanine Antoinette, my oldest daughter.

Last , but never least, Happy 80th Birthday my dearest older brother

Ben L. Griffin.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Congratulations to our new President-Elect of the United States of America, Mr. Barack Obama. Congratulations to the voters for getting their wish... A chance for change. Congratulations Mr. Joseph Biden as our new Vice President-Elect of the United States of America. For all of you that voted for "change" in our government system (the system that needs a total make-over), Thank You Very Much!
May our Lord God Bless us one and all and may our Lord God Bless America.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Tuesday November 5, 2008 is Election Day!
The good citizens of America, good ole U.S. of A, will be electing a President that will serve 4 years in our nation's capital, Washington D.C. We will also be voting on propositions and other candidates running for public office. It is very important that we vote. There are some pressing issues facing us Americans at this time and we need qualified people in office. If we do not vote we are subject to get in office those people that are not qualified and people in public office that are not qualified to do the job will get us in serious trouble. A war is serious trouble. Financial Depression is serious trouble. At the present time we are in two wars and we are in a recession so serious it borders on a Depression. We need everyone to cast a vote not only in this election, we need everyone to cast a vote in every election. Schools are being closed and teachers, teachers of all people, are being given pink slips. A pink slip means you are FIRED! Imagine teachers are being fired because we have no money to pay them to teach our children. Who then is going to teach the children? Someone in office is not qualified for the job they were elected to and this is what happens. We need everyone to vote. Read the candidates qualifications and what issues he or she plans to tackle and solve. Be an informed voter! We do not want to be in one war, not to mention two. We do not want our teachers fired and our schools closed (What happened to the Lotto Money that was supposed to aid schools?)
We do not want our jobs sent overseas. We do not want to experience a recession bordering on a depression. We do not want our homes foreclosed on because bankers got greedy. We do not want perpetual crime in our streets. We do not want citizens over 65 having to return to the work force because their savings got caught up in the so-called financial meltdown. We want financial stability in our government and in our homes. We want every homeless person that wants a home to have a home. We want our merchandise manufactured here in the good ole U.S. of A so there will be an abundance of jobs. We want qualified, dedicated, honest and moral people as elected officials. We can have these things if, and only if, we vote and vote for the person that will do the job to the best of their ability and they are qualified to do the job and do the job right! It is ok for a person in public office to have advisers as long as the advisers do not have the last say, that is the sole responsibility of the elected official. The buck stops with him or her. Please vote. Those of you that have already voted, "Thank you very much", and those that are still uncertain you have three days to review all the information that is available to registered voters. May our Lord Bless you all and may he also Bless America.