What ever things are true,
Whatever things are noble,
Whatever things are pure,
Whatever things are lovely,
Whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue, and if
there is anything praiseworthy-
meditate on these things.
Holy Bible - Philippians 4:8
Good Health
Helpful Hints by Ms. Karen Stewart
Stores: Shop at "Health Food Stores" (along with regular market items)
1. Trader Joes * - Health food store.
2. Papa Jons * - Health food store.
* Some Vitamin Supplements are ok for extra boost (choose wisely)
* Juicer - Buy a juicer, start juicing.
* Exercise (whatever kind works for you)- walking, biking, running -
working out at the gym.
* Drinking Water (8 glasses a day) - Purified Clean Water.
* Good Books to Read on Health:
Rachel Ray Cookbook - 30 Minute Meals
Eat, Drink & Be Healthy - Dr. Ted Broer
Maximum Energy Cookbook - Dr. Ted Broer
Dr. Don Colbert - Whole line of books on health.
Fasting (Seek God) - Commandment of God.
Rear View Mirror
A published poem by Ms. Karen Kearney
Looking in your rearview mirror
Who is it that you see?
A reflection of times gone past
Or of that someone you want to be.
What do you do when the past is gone
And you can't go back any more,
What mistakes you now cannot change
To go back to the time before?
Somewhere there is a place
For anyone who cares
Maybe that someone is you
Somehow you'll find the answer
You need
Some way you can make it through.
Hold on to what is good
And throw the rest away
Life is taking the chance
Of what you do and say.
Karen Kearney
Copyright 2003 Karen Kearney
Thank you all for clicking on and please send us your comments.
God Bless!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Family November Birthdays
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my family members
Happy Birthday.
Happy 10th Birthday Vanessa Jeanine, my granddaughter.
Happy 13th Birthday, my grandson, Gregory Anthony Jr.
Happy 32nd Birthday Kimberly Dawn, my loving daughter.
Happy 41st Birthday Jennifer Angelique, my baby daughter.
Happy 45th Birthday Jeanine Antoinette, my oldest daughter.
Last , but never least, Happy 80th Birthday my dearest older brother
Ben L. Griffin.
Happy Birthday.
Happy 10th Birthday Vanessa Jeanine, my granddaughter.
Happy 13th Birthday, my grandson, Gregory Anthony Jr.
Happy 32nd Birthday Kimberly Dawn, my loving daughter.
Happy 41st Birthday Jennifer Angelique, my baby daughter.
Happy 45th Birthday Jeanine Antoinette, my oldest daughter.
Last , but never least, Happy 80th Birthday my dearest older brother
Ben L. Griffin.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations to our new President-Elect of the United States of America, Mr. Barack Obama. Congratulations to the voters for getting their wish... A chance for change. Congratulations Mr. Joseph Biden as our new Vice President-Elect of the United States of America. For all of you that voted for "change" in our government system (the system that needs a total make-over), Thank You Very Much!
May our Lord God Bless us one and all and may our Lord God Bless America.
May our Lord God Bless us one and all and may our Lord God Bless America.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tuesday November 5, 2008 is Election Day!
The good citizens of America, good ole U.S. of A, will be electing a President that will serve 4 years in our nation's capital, Washington D.C. We will also be voting on propositions and other candidates running for public office. It is very important that we vote. There are some pressing issues facing us Americans at this time and we need qualified people in office. If we do not vote we are subject to get in office those people that are not qualified and people in public office that are not qualified to do the job will get us in serious trouble. A war is serious trouble. Financial Depression is serious trouble. At the present time we are in two wars and we are in a recession so serious it borders on a Depression. We need everyone to cast a vote not only in this election, we need everyone to cast a vote in every election. Schools are being closed and teachers, teachers of all people, are being given pink slips. A pink slip means you are FIRED! Imagine teachers are being fired because we have no money to pay them to teach our children. Who then is going to teach the children? Someone in office is not qualified for the job they were elected to and this is what happens. We need everyone to vote. Read the candidates qualifications and what issues he or she plans to tackle and solve. Be an informed voter! We do not want to be in one war, not to mention two. We do not want our teachers fired and our schools closed (What happened to the Lotto Money that was supposed to aid schools?)
We do not want our jobs sent overseas. We do not want to experience a recession bordering on a depression. We do not want our homes foreclosed on because bankers got greedy. We do not want perpetual crime in our streets. We do not want citizens over 65 having to return to the work force because their savings got caught up in the so-called financial meltdown. We want financial stability in our government and in our homes. We want every homeless person that wants a home to have a home. We want our merchandise manufactured here in the good ole U.S. of A so there will be an abundance of jobs. We want qualified, dedicated, honest and moral people as elected officials. We can have these things if, and only if, we vote and vote for the person that will do the job to the best of their ability and they are qualified to do the job and do the job right! It is ok for a person in public office to have advisers as long as the advisers do not have the last say, that is the sole responsibility of the elected official. The buck stops with him or her. Please vote. Those of you that have already voted, "Thank you very much", and those that are still uncertain you have three days to review all the information that is available to registered voters. May our Lord Bless you all and may he also Bless America.
The good citizens of America, good ole U.S. of A, will be electing a President that will serve 4 years in our nation's capital, Washington D.C. We will also be voting on propositions and other candidates running for public office. It is very important that we vote. There are some pressing issues facing us Americans at this time and we need qualified people in office. If we do not vote we are subject to get in office those people that are not qualified and people in public office that are not qualified to do the job will get us in serious trouble. A war is serious trouble. Financial Depression is serious trouble. At the present time we are in two wars and we are in a recession so serious it borders on a Depression. We need everyone to cast a vote not only in this election, we need everyone to cast a vote in every election. Schools are being closed and teachers, teachers of all people, are being given pink slips. A pink slip means you are FIRED! Imagine teachers are being fired because we have no money to pay them to teach our children. Who then is going to teach the children? Someone in office is not qualified for the job they were elected to and this is what happens. We need everyone to vote. Read the candidates qualifications and what issues he or she plans to tackle and solve. Be an informed voter! We do not want to be in one war, not to mention two. We do not want our teachers fired and our schools closed (What happened to the Lotto Money that was supposed to aid schools?)
We do not want our jobs sent overseas. We do not want to experience a recession bordering on a depression. We do not want our homes foreclosed on because bankers got greedy. We do not want perpetual crime in our streets. We do not want citizens over 65 having to return to the work force because their savings got caught up in the so-called financial meltdown. We want financial stability in our government and in our homes. We want every homeless person that wants a home to have a home. We want our merchandise manufactured here in the good ole U.S. of A so there will be an abundance of jobs. We want qualified, dedicated, honest and moral people as elected officials. We can have these things if, and only if, we vote and vote for the person that will do the job to the best of their ability and they are qualified to do the job and do the job right! It is ok for a person in public office to have advisers as long as the advisers do not have the last say, that is the sole responsibility of the elected official. The buck stops with him or her. Please vote. Those of you that have already voted, "Thank you very much", and those that are still uncertain you have three days to review all the information that is available to registered voters. May our Lord Bless you all and may he also Bless America.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Home Remedies
Often times when we become ill or just not feeling our usual perky selves - we fail to realize we have remedies right in our own kitchen or bathroom we can take to make us all better again. What works for headaches, colds, back aches, insomnia, high blood pressure and even constipation to name a few, can literally be found in our kitchen cupboard.
Most of us have lemons in our refrigerator and honey in our cupboard. A cup of hot tea with lemon and honey does wonders for a troublesome cold. The hot water in the tea opens up the nasal passage allowing for easier breathing through our nose. The lemon has vitamin C which we need to fight the cold. An apple a day will keep the Dr. away or so the saying goes. Actually apples have pectin in them and this helps keep the blood pressure from going through the roof. Pears and plums really help prevent constipation. Do exercise before you go to bed. After a good work-out and hot shower there is nothing better than a good night's sleep. Works wonders for insomnia. Headaches are usually a sign of eye strain (new glasses needed) or hypertension (high blood pressure). For eye strain, until you see the opthamologist, try cool slices of cucumber on closed eyes in a shaded room; lie down and listen to soft music. There is also help for hypertension. Also for hypertension try an apple and cut up a clove of garlic and put it in a bottle of water. Chill the water and drink. Garlic water is excellent for high blood pressure and it tastes very good.
For garlic breath, gargle with lemon juice and water. Leaves the breath smelling "lemony".
Got a backache? Get in a tub of comfortably hot water and Arm & Hammer baking soda. Also add dishwashing liquid to create a bubble bath and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Voila! Backache gone.
Baking soda or regular table salt is great to use to brush teeth with. There is nothing like good old fashioned bed rest. At least 6 hours to 8 hours a night. The reason most of us are prone to get sick a lot is we don't get enough rest.
Rest - Rest - Rest. Slow Down. Don't go so fast. Your body will thank you! You will look younger and feel fantastic. Keep stressful activity down to a bare minimum. Eat vegetables - they are good tasting and good for you. Drink lots of water and please get plenty of rest.
Live Happy - Live Healthy. God Bless. Please also read the article below.
I thank the author for his contribution to health and nutrition.
Title: The Best Way to Lower Cholesterol Levels
Author: Thomas Tsai
The autumnal equinox is the time of balance between light and
dark. It marks the first day of the season of autumn. It's also
the season for cultivating eggplant when the south wind brings
the moist air current here in Taiwan.
Eggplant Habitats in Taiwan
Eggplant is a cold-sensitive vegetable that requires a long warm
season for best yields. The annual hottest season, from July
through September, is very suitable for eggplant growth.
Gaoxiong county and Bingdong county are the two main habitats,
approximately compose the 56% productivity. Next is the counties
of Zhanghua and Nantou, which are in the middle area of Taiwan,
approximately composes 29%. Other areas also have cultivations
but few.
Positive and Negative Reviews
Studies of the Institute of Biology of S?o Paulo State
University, Brazil (Instituto de Bioci?ncias of the UNESP de
Botucatu, S?o Paulo) also showed that eggplant is effective in
the treatment of high blood cholesterol hypercholesterolemia. It
can block the formation of free radicals, help control
cholesterol levels and is also a source of folic acid and
potassium. However, some sources, particularly in the natural
health community, state that eggplant can cause or significantly
worsen arthritis and should be avoided by those sensitive to
Vitamin P Helps in Lowering Cholesterol
Scientific experiments showed the result that eggplant contains
Vitamin P amounts to 7200 milligrams per kilogram. Vitamin P,
known as the "permeability vitamin", is the body of the 14
essential vitamins one, can strengthen one's body between the
cell the adhesive power and improve the capillary force, to
reduce the risk of cerebral blood clots, since it lessens the
permeability of the walls of the capillary blood vessels.
In the nutritional therapy, eating the eggplant often not only
has the inhibitory action to senior citizen's angiosclerosis but
also the special function to reduces hypertension and prevent
the capillary bursts. That's the reason why eggplant stands out
in the popular healthy food's vegetables.
The Black Nightshade Element
The modern science also knows eggplant containing "the black
nightshade element" which can suppress tumor multiplication in
the digesting system. Expert in preventing and controlling
cancer suggests cancer patient taking the eggplant as daily
food. The eggplant can also prevent and control the hemoptysis,
age-spots and bad blood sickness. To arthritis patient, it also
has certain effectiveness.
Famous Vegetable in Sui and Tang Dynasties
As a cultivated plant, it is widely used in Taiwanese cuisine.
It is reported that the emperors of Sui and Tang dynasties were
fed specially this edible eggplant. Therefore it has name of the
longevity vegetable and is often described as the king of
How to Cook Healthy
The better way to cook eggplant is cooking it in the rice cooker
or others with steam. Takes it out when it is well-done. Then
mixes it with Jiang Mo, minced green onion, crushed garlic,
sesame oil, vinegar and the sauce oil to make it a delicious
dish that riches in color, sweet smell and taste.
I thank Mr. Tsai for his article contribution on nutrition from the
free www.goarticles.com website.
About the author:
To find more valuable information so you can turn your hope into
action and change for the better visit: http://enrichourlife.blogspot.com
Most of us have lemons in our refrigerator and honey in our cupboard. A cup of hot tea with lemon and honey does wonders for a troublesome cold. The hot water in the tea opens up the nasal passage allowing for easier breathing through our nose. The lemon has vitamin C which we need to fight the cold. An apple a day will keep the Dr. away or so the saying goes. Actually apples have pectin in them and this helps keep the blood pressure from going through the roof. Pears and plums really help prevent constipation. Do exercise before you go to bed. After a good work-out and hot shower there is nothing better than a good night's sleep. Works wonders for insomnia. Headaches are usually a sign of eye strain (new glasses needed) or hypertension (high blood pressure). For eye strain, until you see the opthamologist, try cool slices of cucumber on closed eyes in a shaded room; lie down and listen to soft music. There is also help for hypertension. Also for hypertension try an apple and cut up a clove of garlic and put it in a bottle of water. Chill the water and drink. Garlic water is excellent for high blood pressure and it tastes very good.
For garlic breath, gargle with lemon juice and water. Leaves the breath smelling "lemony".
Got a backache? Get in a tub of comfortably hot water and Arm & Hammer baking soda. Also add dishwashing liquid to create a bubble bath and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Voila! Backache gone.
Baking soda or regular table salt is great to use to brush teeth with. There is nothing like good old fashioned bed rest. At least 6 hours to 8 hours a night. The reason most of us are prone to get sick a lot is we don't get enough rest.
Rest - Rest - Rest. Slow Down. Don't go so fast. Your body will thank you! You will look younger and feel fantastic. Keep stressful activity down to a bare minimum. Eat vegetables - they are good tasting and good for you. Drink lots of water and please get plenty of rest.
Live Happy - Live Healthy. God Bless. Please also read the article below.
I thank the author for his contribution to health and nutrition.
Title: The Best Way to Lower Cholesterol Levels
Author: Thomas Tsai
The autumnal equinox is the time of balance between light and
dark. It marks the first day of the season of autumn. It's also
the season for cultivating eggplant when the south wind brings
the moist air current here in Taiwan.
Eggplant Habitats in Taiwan
Eggplant is a cold-sensitive vegetable that requires a long warm
season for best yields. The annual hottest season, from July
through September, is very suitable for eggplant growth.
Gaoxiong county and Bingdong county are the two main habitats,
approximately compose the 56% productivity. Next is the counties
of Zhanghua and Nantou, which are in the middle area of Taiwan,
approximately composes 29%. Other areas also have cultivations
but few.
Positive and Negative Reviews
Studies of the Institute of Biology of S?o Paulo State
University, Brazil (Instituto de Bioci?ncias of the UNESP de
Botucatu, S?o Paulo) also showed that eggplant is effective in
the treatment of high blood cholesterol hypercholesterolemia. It
can block the formation of free radicals, help control
cholesterol levels and is also a source of folic acid and
potassium. However, some sources, particularly in the natural
health community, state that eggplant can cause or significantly
worsen arthritis and should be avoided by those sensitive to
Vitamin P Helps in Lowering Cholesterol
Scientific experiments showed the result that eggplant contains
Vitamin P amounts to 7200 milligrams per kilogram. Vitamin P,
known as the "permeability vitamin", is the body of the 14
essential vitamins one, can strengthen one's body between the
cell the adhesive power and improve the capillary force, to
reduce the risk of cerebral blood clots, since it lessens the
permeability of the walls of the capillary blood vessels.
In the nutritional therapy, eating the eggplant often not only
has the inhibitory action to senior citizen's angiosclerosis but
also the special function to reduces hypertension and prevent
the capillary bursts. That's the reason why eggplant stands out
in the popular healthy food's vegetables.
The Black Nightshade Element
The modern science also knows eggplant containing "the black
nightshade element" which can suppress tumor multiplication in
the digesting system. Expert in preventing and controlling
cancer suggests cancer patient taking the eggplant as daily
food. The eggplant can also prevent and control the hemoptysis,
age-spots and bad blood sickness. To arthritis patient, it also
has certain effectiveness.
Famous Vegetable in Sui and Tang Dynasties
As a cultivated plant, it is widely used in Taiwanese cuisine.
It is reported that the emperors of Sui and Tang dynasties were
fed specially this edible eggplant. Therefore it has name of the
longevity vegetable and is often described as the king of
How to Cook Healthy
The better way to cook eggplant is cooking it in the rice cooker
or others with steam. Takes it out when it is well-done. Then
mixes it with Jiang Mo, minced green onion, crushed garlic,
sesame oil, vinegar and the sauce oil to make it a delicious
dish that riches in color, sweet smell and taste.
I thank Mr. Tsai for his article contribution on nutrition from the
free www.goarticles.com website.
About the author:
To find more valuable information so you can turn your hope into
action and change for the better visit: http://enrichourlife.blogspot.com
Monday, October 20, 2008
There is a Time for Everything
A time to be born, a time to die
A Time to Plant
A Time to Harvest
A Time to Kill
A Time to Heal
A Time to Destroy
A Time to Rebuild
A Time to Cry
A Time to Laugh
A Time to Grieve
A Time to Dance
A Time for Scattering Stones
A Time for Gathering Stones
A Time to Hug
A Time not to Hug
A Time to Find
A Time to Lose
A Time for Keeping
A Time for Throwing Away
A Time to Tear
A Time to Repair
A Time to be Quiet
A Time to Speak up
A Time for Loving
A Time for Hating
A Time for War
A Time for Peace
Everything is appropriate in it's own time.
From the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verses 1 through 8 and Verse 11.
We Welcome your Comments.
A Time to Plant
A Time to Harvest
A Time to Kill
A Time to Heal
A Time to Destroy
A Time to Rebuild
A Time to Cry
A Time to Laugh
A Time to Grieve
A Time to Dance
A Time for Scattering Stones
A Time for Gathering Stones
A Time to Hug
A Time not to Hug
A Time to Find
A Time to Lose
A Time for Keeping
A Time for Throwing Away
A Time to Tear
A Time to Repair
A Time to be Quiet
A Time to Speak up
A Time for Loving
A Time for Hating
A Time for War
A Time for Peace
Everything is appropriate in it's own time.
From the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verses 1 through 8 and Verse 11.
We Welcome your Comments.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Most often than not it takes two paychecks to run today's family budget - Mom's and Dad's. Plus there are a lot of single moms doing the job of two people. Therefore it may not be feasible for mom to stay home, but there are moms that can financially stay home and choose to work outside the home for personal reasons. This article is addressed to any and all moms that can be a full time stay-at-home mom. Stay home. Today's children need parental supervision... around the clock. Recently I viewed a very popular television show and a mom asked the television host and guest what to do about a problem involving her 12 year old son and his 12 year old girlfriend. The problem mom was having is her son showed her a text message his 12 year old girlfriend sent to him wanting to perform oral sex on him. Mom wanted to know if she should inform the mother of the 12 year old girl that her daughter had sent this message to her son. Of course the talk show host and her guests all agreed to tell mom. MOM STAY AT HOME; your child and your children need you at home. Children need QUANTITY TIME! Children need to do chores! Children need sometimes to be told "No"! Children don't need every new toy that comes on the market! Children need to know they are loved! That does not mean bribing them to do homework! Children need consistency! Children need to be taught Respect - Respect for people, property, and to respect themselves. Children need mom to stay home! The job of the day care or babysitter is to make sure you pick-up the same happy, healthy child you left with them. Since 12 year olds are really too old for a babysitter or daycare and they get into more mischief than younger children, they really need mom to stay home. Often times 12 year olds are left home alone because mom thinks a 12 year old is old enough not to get into trouble... Wrong! Girls get pregnant at 12. Boys impregnate girls at 12. Mom please stay home. The children of today definitely need more Quantity Time than the so called Quality time. Quantity Time means more time spent with the children and they desperately need it.
Recently I saw a very popular daytime show and the guest on the show was a mother and her 10 year old son. The mother was attempting to correct their son by talking to him and her son "hauled-off" and slapped her across the face as hard as he could and yelled at her, "now how do you like that?" Mom sat there and did absolutely nothing with a shocked look on her face. He never apologized. This was on national television. Mom stay home. Every mom is not financially able to stay home and raise her children and more to the point not every mom wants to stay home and raise her children. Children need structure, discipline and nurturing. They need moms to stay home and raise them properly. Children of today become the adults of tomorrow - The President, our doctor, our lawyer, our nurse, our accountant and our employer. Think about...Please comment and I will print all comments... Thank you and have a good evening.
Recently I saw a very popular daytime show and the guest on the show was a mother and her 10 year old son. The mother was attempting to correct their son by talking to him and her son "hauled-off" and slapped her across the face as hard as he could and yelled at her, "now how do you like that?" Mom sat there and did absolutely nothing with a shocked look on her face. He never apologized. This was on national television. Mom stay home. Every mom is not financially able to stay home and raise her children and more to the point not every mom wants to stay home and raise her children. Children need structure, discipline and nurturing. They need moms to stay home and raise them properly. Children of today become the adults of tomorrow - The President, our doctor, our lawyer, our nurse, our accountant and our employer. Think about...Please comment and I will print all comments... Thank you and have a good evening.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
If we do not like what we see in the mirror we can correct the picture within rather than smash the mirror. Our moods can enable us to recover from an illness or get worse and can affect our relations with others. Positive moods of empathy, humor, hope and faith can result in creating a perfect internal state to return to goo health.
God Bless...
God Bless...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
MY baby daughter who had a biopsy done last week to see if the fibroids in her stomach cavity were cancerous sent me this poem. I want to share it with all of you.
Christ Strengthens Me
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called Failure,
a loop called Confusion,
speed bumps called Friends,
red lights called Enemies, and
caution lights called Family.
You will have flats called Jobs.
But, if you have a spare called
an engine called Perseverance,
insurance called Faith, and
a driver called Jesus,
you will make it to a place called Success.
Pass it on to people whom you want to see blessed!
That would be you!
Christ Strengthens Me
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called Failure,
a loop called Confusion,
speed bumps called Friends,
red lights called Enemies, and
caution lights called Family.
You will have flats called Jobs.
But, if you have a spare called
an engine called Perseverance,
insurance called Faith, and
a driver called Jesus,
you will make it to a place called Success.
Pass it on to people whom you want to see blessed!
That would be you!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Forgiveness is good for the soul, heart, mind and spirit.
It is good for your health. A lot of health issues humans experience often-times can be traced back to when someone does you wrong; don't get even, get over it!
Don't allow your joy to be lost over an act of unforgiveness. When someone steals your man, get over it. Believe me you are better off without him. When someone slanders your name, get over it. Anyone who knows you won't believe the slanderous remarks anyway. When that promotion you were counting on is given to someone else - Get Over It! Start your own business - be your own boss. Unforgiveness puts wrinkles on your face, ulcers in your stomach and grey in your hair. Holding all that unforgiveness poison in our beautiful bodies just isn't worth the consequences being unforgiving brings. So...Snap out of it, Get Over It!
Forgive you'll be so happy you did... God Bless.
It is good for your health. A lot of health issues humans experience often-times can be traced back to when someone does you wrong; don't get even, get over it!
Don't allow your joy to be lost over an act of unforgiveness. When someone steals your man, get over it. Believe me you are better off without him. When someone slanders your name, get over it. Anyone who knows you won't believe the slanderous remarks anyway. When that promotion you were counting on is given to someone else - Get Over It! Start your own business - be your own boss. Unforgiveness puts wrinkles on your face, ulcers in your stomach and grey in your hair. Holding all that unforgiveness poison in our beautiful bodies just isn't worth the consequences being unforgiving brings. So...Snap out of it, Get Over It!
Forgive you'll be so happy you did... God Bless.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Psalms 58:1-5
VERSES 1-2: Justice? You high and mighty politicians don't know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked. You give "justice" in exchange for bribes.
Verse 3: These men are born sinners lying from their earliest words!
Verses 4-5: They are poisonous snakes - cobras that close their ears to the most expert charmers. This is how a lot of us Americans are feeling now when it comes to this Bail-Out. Baa Humbug! When daddy or mommy signed on the dotted line and in return got an adjustable mortgage which in turn led to foreclosure, mommy or daddy were not the only ones evicted from the premises. There were children also in the home little boys and little girls, teenage boys and girls and also grandpa and grandma were also evicted from the home and let us not forget the family pet. The dog or the cat that had been with the family for years were also on the street. When these people were evicted from their homes they became HOMELESS! They had to move into SHELTERS or even worse - the family CAR! Others moved in with other family members in an already crowded apartment, car or trailer. Disgraceful! THIS IS TOTALLY UN-AMERICAN. THE DECENT thing to do especially when our government is shouting "Bail-Out" "Bail-Out" now would be the time to put these people back in homes and put the mortgage rate back where it was before the Option A.R.M. adjusted especially since the property value has declined. The mortgage holders couldn't make the trillions of dollars they had projected they would make once the Option A.R.M. adjusted but they could still make millions. They would be doing the DECENT thing, THE AMERICAN THING! Putting families back together again under one roof fulfilling the American Dream. So what do you say Mr. or Ms. Corporate America? Will you do the right and decent thing and put these people back in their homes? It's a win, win situation. Property taxes would be paid because there would be property owners restored to their homes. Children could go to school from their homes instead of a shelter, family car, relative's apartment or trailer. Fathers and mothers that bailed when the property was confiscated could return home to a hopefully normal life and the animal shelters won't be overcrowded because the family pet has been returned to the family. A BAIL OUT is called for. THE BAIL-OUT of each and every homeowner that was thrown out of their homes because Corporate
America got GREEDY! Enough is Enough! A Bail-Out is in order! It's who we are bailing out that's BACKWARDS!
Please, I welcome your comments..
God Bless
Bail out the people that have lost their homes due to foreclosure by putting them back in their homes and Wall Street will not need bailing out!
VERSES 1-2: Justice? You high and mighty politicians don't know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked. You give "justice" in exchange for bribes.
Verse 3: These men are born sinners lying from their earliest words!
Verses 4-5: They are poisonous snakes - cobras that close their ears to the most expert charmers. This is how a lot of us Americans are feeling now when it comes to this Bail-Out. Baa Humbug! When daddy or mommy signed on the dotted line and in return got an adjustable mortgage which in turn led to foreclosure, mommy or daddy were not the only ones evicted from the premises. There were children also in the home little boys and little girls, teenage boys and girls and also grandpa and grandma were also evicted from the home and let us not forget the family pet. The dog or the cat that had been with the family for years were also on the street. When these people were evicted from their homes they became HOMELESS! They had to move into SHELTERS or even worse - the family CAR! Others moved in with other family members in an already crowded apartment, car or trailer. Disgraceful! THIS IS TOTALLY UN-AMERICAN. THE DECENT thing to do especially when our government is shouting "Bail-Out" "Bail-Out" now would be the time to put these people back in homes and put the mortgage rate back where it was before the Option A.R.M. adjusted especially since the property value has declined. The mortgage holders couldn't make the trillions of dollars they had projected they would make once the Option A.R.M. adjusted but they could still make millions. They would be doing the DECENT thing, THE AMERICAN THING! Putting families back together again under one roof fulfilling the American Dream. So what do you say Mr. or Ms. Corporate America? Will you do the right and decent thing and put these people back in their homes? It's a win, win situation. Property taxes would be paid because there would be property owners restored to their homes. Children could go to school from their homes instead of a shelter, family car, relative's apartment or trailer. Fathers and mothers that bailed when the property was confiscated could return home to a hopefully normal life and the animal shelters won't be overcrowded because the family pet has been returned to the family. A BAIL OUT is called for. THE BAIL-OUT of each and every homeowner that was thrown out of their homes because Corporate
America got GREEDY! Enough is Enough! A Bail-Out is in order! It's who we are bailing out that's BACKWARDS!
Please, I welcome your comments..
God Bless
Bail out the people that have lost their homes due to foreclosure by putting them back in their homes and Wall Street will not need bailing out!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Education is the key to prosperity. People with college degrees earn more annually than people without a degree. The higher the educational level will reflect on the standard of living a person can expect. Young men and young ladies please stay in school an get your education it is so important. Having an education can mean the difference between being a homeowner and being homeless.
We've all heard about people that never finished high school that became millionaires. These cases are so very, very few and far between that it is almost like a fluke of nature because as we all know the very vast majority of million and billionaires are educated people. Minimum wage is horrible to live on. It takes three minimum wage jobs for one person to be able to afford an apartment, food and transportation. Any luxuries are charged to a credit card that's if you can get a credit card that charges awful interest rates.
Having and education gives you that edge in getting ahead in being able to afford decent and often times luxurious housing, travel (at home and to foreign lands), good and dependable and luxurious transportation, nice designer label clothing, nutritious and healthy foods, a savings account and independence; real honest to God Independence.
Young men and young women please stay in school as you are America's future. We need smart people running our country and please when you are taking those finals -please study. Don't cheat. We have enough cheating in our society as it is. You are not in it for the grade. You are in it for the Education. So young men and young women please stay in school and get a good education. You'll be glad you did. Until next time. God Bless!
We've all heard about people that never finished high school that became millionaires. These cases are so very, very few and far between that it is almost like a fluke of nature because as we all know the very vast majority of million and billionaires are educated people. Minimum wage is horrible to live on. It takes three minimum wage jobs for one person to be able to afford an apartment, food and transportation. Any luxuries are charged to a credit card that's if you can get a credit card that charges awful interest rates.
Having and education gives you that edge in getting ahead in being able to afford decent and often times luxurious housing, travel (at home and to foreign lands), good and dependable and luxurious transportation, nice designer label clothing, nutritious and healthy foods, a savings account and independence; real honest to God Independence.
Young men and young women please stay in school as you are America's future. We need smart people running our country and please when you are taking those finals -please study. Don't cheat. We have enough cheating in our society as it is. You are not in it for the grade. You are in it for the Education. So young men and young women please stay in school and get a good education. You'll be glad you did. Until next time. God Bless!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Illegal Immigrants
Dear fellow bloggers, thank you for your patience awaiting a new article. My Goal is to have at least 4 articles a week and I have fallen sorely behind. My apologies to one and all. Illegal immigrants is my topic today. Listed are my reasons I believe immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States as legal immigrants until citizenship can be granted.
1. Once an immigrant is registered with N.I.S. (National Immigration Service) the government knows where this person is in our country and they can monitor their movements like they monitor the movements of all citizens.
2. Immigrants usually keep gainful employment but are paid under-the-table and no taxes are collected. Whereas, if they were allowed to work legally their income would be taxed and that revenue added to our state and federal budgets. At a time like this when our government is bailing out financial institutions that is going to cost every taxpayer billions of dollars; we need all the revenue we can get.
3. Immigrants spend money on everything from cars to toothpaste and this helps sustain our economy.
President Bush sent out stimulus checks to taxpayers to boost the economy. Immigrants spend lots of money that boosts our economy. Given the chance they would even buy houses and right now we have a housing surplus. There are so many more reasons to legalize illegal immigrants.
Please send in your comments. These comments will be forwarded to the powers that be and since this is an election year hopefully we can get some positive action taken.
Thank you so much and please send in those comments. God Bless!
1. Once an immigrant is registered with N.I.S. (National Immigration Service) the government knows where this person is in our country and they can monitor their movements like they monitor the movements of all citizens.
2. Immigrants usually keep gainful employment but are paid under-the-table and no taxes are collected. Whereas, if they were allowed to work legally their income would be taxed and that revenue added to our state and federal budgets. At a time like this when our government is bailing out financial institutions that is going to cost every taxpayer billions of dollars; we need all the revenue we can get.
3. Immigrants spend money on everything from cars to toothpaste and this helps sustain our economy.
President Bush sent out stimulus checks to taxpayers to boost the economy. Immigrants spend lots of money that boosts our economy. Given the chance they would even buy houses and right now we have a housing surplus. There are so many more reasons to legalize illegal immigrants.
Please send in your comments. These comments will be forwarded to the powers that be and since this is an election year hopefully we can get some positive action taken.
Thank you so much and please send in those comments. God Bless!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Let's Give a Hand-Up instead of a Hand-Out
More and more everywhere I see my fellow Americans asking for a hand-out "Hey Miss do you have some change?" For a long time I felt, but by the Grace of God this could be me and I would give to whomever was asking for this hand-out. Then I began to be really annoyed by this because it was happening a lot. Someone even approached my son, while he was working his way through college for a hand-out and when he tried to give this person a hamburger he just bought at McDonald's, he was told: "I don't want your ________ hamburger I want some change." This really annoyed me because my son was working at night as a security guard and going to school during the day this person was asking for a hand-out and being picky.
People should work for their money and not beg for it. We throw away a lot of cans and plastic containers. For every can and most plastic containers there is a CRV charge. If you take the container to a recycling center they will refund you the CRV charge you paid in the store. In California the CRV charge is by the pound rather than the item - 5 cents an item or more depending - rather than 69 cents a pound. At any rate picking up cans, bottles and plastic off the street and parks and beaches is better than asking for a hand-out. Personally when someone asks me for spare change any more I tell them I will give them a a job. I drive a car and I keep windex and towels in my car. I would pay someone when I come out of a store if they are asking for a hand-out to wash my windows on my car or give my car a once-over to get bird droppings and dust off my car. Needless to say most of these people have refused my offer of a job.
Please everyone Help our Nation to return to the God Fearing, hard working people we used to be. Giving hand-outs hurt our nation. Giving hand-ups makes our nation strong.
People should work for their money and not beg for it. We throw away a lot of cans and plastic containers. For every can and most plastic containers there is a CRV charge. If you take the container to a recycling center they will refund you the CRV charge you paid in the store. In California the CRV charge is by the pound rather than the item - 5 cents an item or more depending - rather than 69 cents a pound. At any rate picking up cans, bottles and plastic off the street and parks and beaches is better than asking for a hand-out. Personally when someone asks me for spare change any more I tell them I will give them a a job. I drive a car and I keep windex and towels in my car. I would pay someone when I come out of a store if they are asking for a hand-out to wash my windows on my car or give my car a once-over to get bird droppings and dust off my car. Needless to say most of these people have refused my offer of a job.
Please everyone Help our Nation to return to the God Fearing, hard working people we used to be. Giving hand-outs hurt our nation. Giving hand-ups makes our nation strong.
Monday, September 8, 2008
To Learn you must want to be taught.
A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown.
A good man's mind is filled with honest thoughts.
Everyone admires a man with Good Sense.
Good men long to help each other.
Telling the Truth gives a man great satisfaction.
A wise man listens to others.
The words of the wise soothe and heal.
Happy is the man with a level-headed son.
The wise man is glad to be instructed.
There is living truth in what a good many says.
Men with common sense are admired as counselors.
A wise man holds his tongue.
Anyone willing to be corrected is on the pathway to life.
When a good man speaks, he is worth listening to.
Reverence for God adds hours to each day.
A Good Man is guided by his honesty.
A wise youth accepts his father's rebuke.
The wise man looks ahead.
A soft answer turns away wrath.
Wisdom is enshrined in the hearts of men with common sense.
Work brings profit.
Love forgets mistakes.
It is better to have self control than to control an army.
When a man is trying to please God, God makes even his worst enemies to be at peace with him.
Hunger is good - if it makes you work to satisfy it.
The intelligent man is always open to new ideas.
A cheerful heart does good like medicine.
Don't tell your secrets to a gossip unless you want them broadcasted to the world.
If you love sleep, you will end in poverty. Stay awake, work hard, and there will be plenty to eat!
Stop listening to teachings that contradicts what you know is right.
Unless you have extra cash on hand, don't countersign a note.
Don't fail to correct your children - discipline won't hurt them!
Hard work means prosperity.
Teach a wise man and he will be wiser. Teach a good man, and he will learn more. For the reverence and fear of God are basic to all wisdom. Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding.
These are the Proverbs of King Solomon.
A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown.
A good man's mind is filled with honest thoughts.
Everyone admires a man with Good Sense.
Good men long to help each other.
Telling the Truth gives a man great satisfaction.
A wise man listens to others.
The words of the wise soothe and heal.
Happy is the man with a level-headed son.
The wise man is glad to be instructed.
There is living truth in what a good many says.
Men with common sense are admired as counselors.
A wise man holds his tongue.
Anyone willing to be corrected is on the pathway to life.
When a good man speaks, he is worth listening to.
Reverence for God adds hours to each day.
A Good Man is guided by his honesty.
A wise youth accepts his father's rebuke.
The wise man looks ahead.
A soft answer turns away wrath.
Wisdom is enshrined in the hearts of men with common sense.
Work brings profit.
Love forgets mistakes.
It is better to have self control than to control an army.
When a man is trying to please God, God makes even his worst enemies to be at peace with him.
Hunger is good - if it makes you work to satisfy it.
The intelligent man is always open to new ideas.
A cheerful heart does good like medicine.
Don't tell your secrets to a gossip unless you want them broadcasted to the world.
If you love sleep, you will end in poverty. Stay awake, work hard, and there will be plenty to eat!
Stop listening to teachings that contradicts what you know is right.
Unless you have extra cash on hand, don't countersign a note.
Don't fail to correct your children - discipline won't hurt them!
Hard work means prosperity.
Teach a wise man and he will be wiser. Teach a good man, and he will learn more. For the reverence and fear of God are basic to all wisdom. Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding.
These are the Proverbs of King Solomon.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Carpet Baggers and Skaliwags
A lot of homeowners unfortunately got caught up in the refinance Option A.R.M. cunundrum. The mortgage payment became more than the homeowner could afford to pay and their home went into foreclosure and the home was lost. A lot of people across America have lost their property due to this. The government is now trying to work with the banks and mortgage holders to help homeowners so these foreclosures can stop. Reverse mortgage and modification are a couple solutions to the problem. Modification would involve re-instating the loan before the refinance or cost of mortgage rose before the Option A.R.M. kicked in.
There are unscrupulous people out there that are charging for this service. One such company approached me to refinance my property with an Option A.R.M. with a proposition to modify my loan at a cost of $3,500. The name of the company is 1st Financial Lending Group. I spoke with Mr. Jim Powell and Mr. Tom Pfirrman (supervisor). Both of these gentlemen said they could modify my home loan to the price it was before I refinanced for a cost of $3,500.
I attended a workshop for homeowners presented by HUD, during this workshop the presenter, Mr. Justin Jackson stipulated this was a free service. Mr. Jackson is a homewonership counselor for South Bay Neighbor Work Home Ownership Center - (310) 514-9444. Website : www.lanhs.org . I telephoned the center and told them about the conversation between 1st Financial Lending Group's representatives and myself. A Mr. George at the center informed me that loan modification is free fo charge. The next day a Mr. Wayne Madera called me from the center to inform me that anyone asking for any money to modify a loan is truly bogus. The United States government HUD, Housing Urban Development is behind this program to make sure homeowners in trouble of
foreclosure get help free of charge.
After the Civil War, the war between the states and during the Reconstruction of the Southern states, opportunists known as the Carpet Baggers and Skaliwags flooded the South to take advantage of a very bad situation, however there is free help to anyone facing foreclosure. Please contact: Consumer Credit Counseling Service
800-254-2227 or 404-527-7630 or www. cccsatl.org if you are unable to make mortgage payments or if you are experiencing other financial challenges please call toll free (866) 616-3716. At a time like this we should all pull together to help each other. Yes, we are our brother's keeper. God forbid that anyone of us take advantage of these people that are going through foreclosure horrors. The Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services - LANHS - have been in business 25 years building neighborhoods one family at a time. If you are in the LA area please call
(888) 895-2647 Center for Foreclosure Solutions. Keep the faith and may our Lord God Bless us one and all...
If you have any questions or comments please contact me.
There are unscrupulous people out there that are charging for this service. One such company approached me to refinance my property with an Option A.R.M. with a proposition to modify my loan at a cost of $3,500. The name of the company is 1st Financial Lending Group. I spoke with Mr. Jim Powell and Mr. Tom Pfirrman (supervisor). Both of these gentlemen said they could modify my home loan to the price it was before I refinanced for a cost of $3,500.
I attended a workshop for homeowners presented by HUD, during this workshop the presenter, Mr. Justin Jackson stipulated this was a free service. Mr. Jackson is a homewonership counselor for South Bay Neighbor Work Home Ownership Center - (310) 514-9444. Website : www.lanhs.org . I telephoned the center and told them about the conversation between 1st Financial Lending Group's representatives and myself. A Mr. George at the center informed me that loan modification is free fo charge. The next day a Mr. Wayne Madera called me from the center to inform me that anyone asking for any money to modify a loan is truly bogus. The United States government HUD, Housing Urban Development is behind this program to make sure homeowners in trouble of
foreclosure get help free of charge.
After the Civil War, the war between the states and during the Reconstruction of the Southern states, opportunists known as the Carpet Baggers and Skaliwags flooded the South to take advantage of a very bad situation, however there is free help to anyone facing foreclosure. Please contact: Consumer Credit Counseling Service
800-254-2227 or 404-527-7630 or www. cccsatl.org if you are unable to make mortgage payments or if you are experiencing other financial challenges please call toll free (866) 616-3716. At a time like this we should all pull together to help each other. Yes, we are our brother's keeper. God forbid that anyone of us take advantage of these people that are going through foreclosure horrors. The Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services - LANHS - have been in business 25 years building neighborhoods one family at a time. If you are in the LA area please call
(888) 895-2647 Center for Foreclosure Solutions. Keep the faith and may our Lord God Bless us one and all...
If you have any questions or comments please contact me.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Last Saturday I had the pleasure and the honor to see my granddaughter Victoria marry her prince charming Wesley. It was a fantasy come to life and what better place for this magic to happen than the Magic Kingdom Disneyland. The bride arrived at the ceremony in a Cinderella carriage resplendent with coachman and footman. Victoria's best friend and confidant Jennifer Jeffries was her maid of honor. Her beautiful bridesmaids were Leslie Trujillo and Adrienne Parker. Her mother Jeanine Santos gave her away to be betrothed to Wesley (Victoria's father was a victim to homicide a month before her wedding). Victoria and Wesley have a daughter Julia (4) who was the flower girl and a son Jonathan who was the ring bearer. Dreams really do come true so never stop dreaming. Please enjoy these photos that I took with my digital Canon camera (this is a great camera; it does all the work; all I did was aim and snap).

A message from the bride and groom "We would first like to thank God because without him our love could not be. He has blessed us with two beautiful children who we adore and we could not be more thankful for that. We would also like to thank our friends and family from the bottom of our hearts for sharing your lives with us and for coming to celebrate our special day".
To those who bless us today from above, we hold dearly in our hearts and in loving memory.
Charles Harris Jackson, Jr. after the ceremony the bride and groom flew to Florida to take a cruise ship to the Bahamas and they lived happily ever after.
A message from the bride and groom "We would first like to thank God because without him our love could not be. He has blessed us with two beautiful children who we adore and we could not be more thankful for that. We would also like to thank our friends and family from the bottom of our hearts for sharing your lives with us and for coming to celebrate our special day".
To those who bless us today from above, we hold dearly in our hearts and in loving memory.
Charles Harris Jackson, Jr. after the ceremony the bride and groom flew to Florida to take a cruise ship to the Bahamas and they lived happily ever after.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Stockholm Syndrome
First off. I want to apologize for taking so long to write my article. Since my vacation article it seems almost as if I went on another vacation... I wish!
So, on with the show!
After my 46 year old son left my home on a Friday morning 2:30 a.m. under the influence of alcohol, I knew this article needed to address this topic. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is my source of clinical information.
Wikipedia: The term Stockholm Syndrome was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during a robbery and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast. The syndrome is named after the Normalstorg robbery of KreditBanken at Norrmalstorg, Stockholm, Sweden in which the bank robbers held employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their oppressors and even defended them after they were freed from the six-day ordeal.
Stockholm Syndrome: Loyalty to a more powerful abuser - in spite of the danger that this loyalty puts the victim in danger. It is common amongst victims of domestic abuse, battered partners and child abuse (dependent children). In many instances the victims choose to remain loyal to their abuser and choose not to leave him or her even when they are offered a safe placement in foster homes or safe houses. This mental phenomenon is also known as Trauma - Bonding or Bonding - to- the - Perpetrator. This syndrome was described by psychoanalysts of the object relations theory school as the phenomenon of psychological identification with the more powerful abuser. A variant of Stockholm Syndrome includes cases of abusive parents and abusive siblings in which the victim even after entering adulthood still justifies the family abuse. According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome the tendency might well be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable - at the very least - the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification it should be taken into account that according to Namnyak ea. (2008) the Stockholm Syndrome is not a recognized medical heading CMe SHJ. My middle son has Stockholm Syndrome and also my oldest daughter. My son has a severe case; my daughter's comes and goes. My son has taken on the role as the oppressor. My son is 46 years old but psychologically and emotionally he's ten years old. At ten years of age his father and my ex-husband would victimize me in front of my children. My son began at 13 to victimize his two younger sisters. My son saw his dad, my ex-husband use alcohol as an excuse to victimize me so to this day my son uses alcohol in the same way. I was not able to get help for my children because after the divorce my children chose to live with their dad and his new wife. I hot help for myself. Psychotherapy takes a lot of time and it is 100% effective. So, if anyone out there is having problems with family members suffering from Stockholm Syndrome get help for them if it is possible but by all means get help for yourself.
God Bless - Until next time.
So, on with the show!
After my 46 year old son left my home on a Friday morning 2:30 a.m. under the influence of alcohol, I knew this article needed to address this topic. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is my source of clinical information.
Wikipedia: The term Stockholm Syndrome was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during a robbery and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast. The syndrome is named after the Normalstorg robbery of KreditBanken at Norrmalstorg, Stockholm, Sweden in which the bank robbers held employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their oppressors and even defended them after they were freed from the six-day ordeal.
Stockholm Syndrome: Loyalty to a more powerful abuser - in spite of the danger that this loyalty puts the victim in danger. It is common amongst victims of domestic abuse, battered partners and child abuse (dependent children). In many instances the victims choose to remain loyal to their abuser and choose not to leave him or her even when they are offered a safe placement in foster homes or safe houses. This mental phenomenon is also known as Trauma - Bonding or Bonding - to- the - Perpetrator. This syndrome was described by psychoanalysts of the object relations theory school as the phenomenon of psychological identification with the more powerful abuser. A variant of Stockholm Syndrome includes cases of abusive parents and abusive siblings in which the victim even after entering adulthood still justifies the family abuse. According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome the tendency might well be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable - at the very least - the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification it should be taken into account that according to Namnyak ea. (2008) the Stockholm Syndrome is not a recognized medical heading CMe SHJ. My middle son has Stockholm Syndrome and also my oldest daughter. My son has a severe case; my daughter's comes and goes. My son has taken on the role as the oppressor. My son is 46 years old but psychologically and emotionally he's ten years old. At ten years of age his father and my ex-husband would victimize me in front of my children. My son began at 13 to victimize his two younger sisters. My son saw his dad, my ex-husband use alcohol as an excuse to victimize me so to this day my son uses alcohol in the same way. I was not able to get help for my children because after the divorce my children chose to live with their dad and his new wife. I hot help for myself. Psychotherapy takes a lot of time and it is 100% effective. So, if anyone out there is having problems with family members suffering from Stockholm Syndrome get help for them if it is possible but by all means get help for yourself.
God Bless - Until next time.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vacation, Vacation, Vacation ! ! !
It's that time of year. We are all looking to go someplace and have some fun. At least a week and the lucky ones a month. We all need to get away once-in-while. All of us. Last year I took my advice and enjoyed 9 days away from work, stress, bills and Drama! I went to Switzerland. Here are some beautiful shots of a great vacation at a great location. The two toilets are not two toilets. One is a bidet. A bidet is for cleaning your genitalia after you finish on the toilet. Smart idea. Please enjoy the scenery and please do comment on what you've seen or what you want us to talk about. God Bless you all... until next time.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mrs. Wuthrich's Words of Wisdom would not be in business if it were not for a wonderful, respectful, honest and humble individual Ralph Bellamy,Jr. Ralph is my "blog" business partner. Ralph does all the work! I may write the words of wisdom column but Ralph puts the written word onto the computer and then the internet. Two months ago I asked Ralph if he knew what a blog was and he got excited and he asked me what I knew about it. I told him Nightline had done a segment on their show about blogging and they had interviewed a couple who were doing quite well financially blogging, so much so, the husband had quit his day job to help his wife with her blog and that's all I knew about blogs and blogging. That's when Ralph came up with this brain storm of Mrs. Wuthrich's Words of Wisdom. Ralph set everything all up. He got us a free blog; he got affiliates-companies to advertise on our blog. Ralph does all the typing that goes into the column. He works all hours advertising our affiliates. It is because of Ralph that our blog has made a little money; without him there would be no blog. Ralph comes from a wonderful family that lives in Wisconsin. He has a brother who is a rapper and a beautiful sister. His parents have been married for forty-seven years to each other. Ralph speaks, reads & writes German a great deal. He also speaks a little French and Spanish. Ralph loves reading, travel and the opera. Ralph is a great teacher. I have learned more about computers and the internet in two months that would have taken me five semesters at Jr. College. Ralph has shown me a whole other side to the internet. A good side.
To have Ralph for a friend is to have a friend for life. Ralph is the most respectful person on the planet. He is a real dinosaur. He opens doors for ladies and he never talks over anyone. He will wait until a person finishes speaking to make his comment. He is a real gentleman.
Ralph's ultimate goal is to become a movie producer. Ralph is a true workaholic. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy for having such a fine specimen of a human being.. My friend Ralph.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Be Thankful
Often times we get so caught up in everyday life that we forget to be thankful for all we have been blessed with. When we get up in the morning and comb our hair as we get ready for work- we forget to be thankful we have hair. My beautiful friend Madelyn has lost most of her gourgeous mane due to the medication she takes for Lupus. Madelyn had a mane of hair like singer Chaka Khan. Now my friend has to wear a hair piece. Madelyn who is in pain a lot never complains and she is always very thankful for everything. We should be thankful for the sunshine. We should be thankful for the rain. We should be thankful we have eyesight, hearing and sense of smell. We should be thankful we can walk, run, hop, dance, sing and laugh. We should be thankful for our children, our brothers, our sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. We should be thankful for our job, our home, our car, our bank account (no matter how small). We should be thankful for living in a free country. We should be thankful we can read and write and do math. We should be thankful when we get up in the morning and when we go to bed at night. We should be so thankful for our health, our strength and wits about us.
We all have so much to be thankful for. All of us.
We thank Our Lord for all your wonderful Blessings. AMEN!
We all have so much to be thankful for. All of us.
We thank Our Lord for all your wonderful Blessings. AMEN!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Medical Trials
Several years ago in my speech class I was part of a debate team. We were told to debate a controversial topic. Our team chose experimental drug testing on animals. We opposed it. One of the objectives in the debate was alternative solutions. The most reasonable solution seemed to be to use people in these experiments instead of animals. About a year later a friend asked me if I would be interested in making $1000 testing a drug for allergies. She told me I would get a free physical and that the drug testing procedure only lasted for about an hour. During that hour, I would have my blood taken, blood pressure and temperature taken. The entire test would take eight weeks. During that eight week period I would be required to spend one twelve hour period at the clinic, which would include free breakfast, lunch and dinner. The drug being tested was Claritin. The whole experience was an eye opener. I used the $1000 to send for my daughter-in-law, my son and grandson to come and visit from Texas. Seven months ago another friend told me about a study being conducted to test a bone density drug on post menopausal women. I signed up. This study paid $2500. The first part of a study is called the screening. All vital medical information on the patient is collected. During my screening the nurse took my blood pressure and found it to be high. Very high. I was turned down for the study but the good news is I found out I had high blood pressure and I would not have known this. High blood pressure or hypertension is known as the silent killer. I came home and cut up some raw garlic and put it in a water bottle and every time I got thirsty I drank this garlic water. I also went to the 99 cents only (full fledged grocery store with meats & produce) store and I ate 2 apples a day and in less than two weeks my blood pressure had come from 173/85 to 100/69. Thanks to the medical trial screening I found out about the hypertension. There were no symptoms that anything out of the ordinary was wrong with me. July 21, 2008 I began a new study. This study is testing a pain medication. In order to be a candidate for this study, a person had to have a bunion removed. Well, I have a bunion on each foot - large bunions. I passed the screening and I had surgery to remove the bunion on my left foot. All went well. The only thing was I never had any pain after the surgery to test the pain medication. The surgery was on a Monday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon, I was released from the hospital on a scale from zero to 10 the nurse wanted to know my pain level. My pain level was zero. This medical trial paid $1200. Since the study group was not able to try out the pain medication on me I was disqualified to continue. I still get paid for the screening and the operation which totals about $500 and the big plus is the bunion is gone and I qualify to have the other one removed. Medical trial studies may not be for everyone. They do however do a lot of good and they save animals from being tested. This should make all you animal activist real happy.
In these times when lay-offs are frequent in all job markets and free health physicals are unheard of medical trial testing may be an answer to some of our money woes and what physically ails us. Something to think about until next time...
God Bless.
In these times when lay-offs are frequent in all job markets and free health physicals are unheard of medical trial testing may be an answer to some of our money woes and what physically ails us. Something to think about until next time...
God Bless.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hysterectomy or Colonic?
Several years ago I developed a craving for ice cream. The dollar store sold 1/2 gallons of Haagen Daas for this outrageously low price of one dollar and I ate a lot of ice cream. About a month into this binge I started to involuntarily leak urine. Becoming quite alarmed I called my son's mother-in-law (my play sister) and asked her the name of the herbologist she'd introduced me to on my visit to Texas to visit my son. First she told me that I wasn't getting any younger and that my problem was probably caused by just getting older. I was fifty-eight. At any rate she told me the lady's name (Ms. Loretta) and she gave me her phone number. After calling and explaining my symptoms to Ms. Loretta she informs me that my colon is full and it is pressing down on my bladder causing me to leak involuntarily. I asked her what I should do. She told me to look in the yellow pages under "health foods" and to find an RN that gave colonic treatment. I did not have a clue as to what she was talking about but I did what she told me to do. When I called the RN she told me that all that ice cream I had been craving and ate was in my colon. She told me that pasteurized milk products have no enzymes and the body does not pass them like food with enzymes so they stay with you. She told me that people with pregnant-looking stomachs are more often than not retaining food stuffs they couldn't pass because of a lack of enzymes in the food.
My colonics treatment turned out to be an enema. Not the kind we give our children at home. The treatment requires a profesional. 5 of these treatments stopped the leakage because my colon was no longer impacted with all this garbage. These treatments cost me $50 each. When I called my HMO and asked them to refer me to a colonics medical specialist they informed me that I would have to be referred to the surgical department. My niece came to visit me not knowing I'd undergone colonics and she informed me she just recently undergone surgery. She described her symptoms. They were indentical to my own when I was experiencing the bladder leakage. She told me she had just had a hysterectomy. My, My. Hysterectomy or Colonic, you be the judge! Until next time... God Bless.
My colonics treatment turned out to be an enema. Not the kind we give our children at home. The treatment requires a profesional. 5 of these treatments stopped the leakage because my colon was no longer impacted with all this garbage. These treatments cost me $50 each. When I called my HMO and asked them to refer me to a colonics medical specialist they informed me that I would have to be referred to the surgical department. My niece came to visit me not knowing I'd undergone colonics and she informed me she just recently undergone surgery. She described her symptoms. They were indentical to my own when I was experiencing the bladder leakage. She told me she had just had a hysterectomy. My, My. Hysterectomy or Colonic, you be the judge! Until next time... God Bless.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Life after Death
Hello Everyone !
It is a fabulous day here in beautiful downtown Long Beach. Today I am going to talk about life after death. My husband, Clyde George died January 15, 2005. He came home from work at 6 a.m. and I greeted him at the door and he complained about pain he was having in his right arm. We both assumed it was aching probably caused by a cold that had settled in due to the bad weather we had been having. Before he had laid down to sleep he asked God to please get rid of the pain. I lay down beside him and he asked me to move over a bit because as usual I was right next to him and he was near the edge of the bed. I moved over and went back to sleep. One hour later my husband started to breathe really funny which woke me up. I asked him what was the matter and he fell out of the bed. My husband had fallen out of bed before because I was usually right next to him and he would just get up an get back in bed. This time he just lay there on the floor and I couldn't move him. He was wedged between the bed and the dresser and I couldn't get him up. I was so scared. I forgot my bed was on rollers and I could move it and possibly get him up (duh!). I crawled across the bed and call 911. The paramedics came right away. They asked me to leave the room so they could work on my husband and I did. One of the paramedics came out to talk to me to ask me questions. He asked me if he was my husband and if he had been having any medical problems. He asked me my husband's name and I told him "Clyde". He said he was sorry but Clyde was gone. I told him if he would do his job he could bring my husband back. I didn't think they had tried all they could - I thought they were just being lazy. He said they had done all they could and it was too late he was gone. He was very sympathetic. He told me he had to call the police to make sure there was no foul play. The police came and the paramedics sent for the coroner. The policeman asked me if Clyde George was really my husband (my husband is white and I'm black) and I said "yes" and that we had been married for 30 years and we have one son who lived in Texas. The policeman asked me what happened and I told him my husband worked nights and he just came home and he laid down to bed with me. This was 6:30 a.m. and at 9:30 a.m. he started to breathe really odd and fell out of the bed. The police left after taking my statement and so did the paramedics. I was left alone with my husband who was still on the floor. The paramedics had rolled my bed out of the way - Duh! I put a pillow underneath Daddy's head (I called my husband "Daddy" or "Angel") and I put a blanket over him because his body was so cold and I laid down beside him to give him some warmth and to talk to him. I hugged him; I kissed him; I told him he would always be alive to me. I kissed him and told him I had to get dressed because there was going to be a lot of people coming in and out and I was still in my gown and robe. The whole time I was getting dressed I talked to him and I never shed a tear because I knew in my heart from what I read in the Bible that I would get my husband back real soon. My husband bought me a Mayan calendar medallion and the calendar ends at 2012. We used to discuss our Jesus coming back at that time and that we would both be here to see his return. So I knew and I know that I will see my husband and my son, John Anthony who died in 1995 at the age of 35 with AIDS, soon. We will live on this earth for 1000 years in peace and harmony. My lord Jesus died on that cross to make this happen. That's why we celebrate the resurrection and call it Easter.
I know there is life after death.
Today July 15, 2008 my granddaughter, Victoria Grace Jackson and my grandson, Charles Tino Harris Jackson III lost their father Charles Jackson - he was 43 years old. He was the victim of an act of violence. Victoria Grace and Prince Charles you will see your dad again. You will see your dad again very soon and you will be able to live here on this earth with him in peace , joy, love and happiness for 1000 years. That is God's promise. I love you guys - Grandma.
It is a fabulous day here in beautiful downtown Long Beach. Today I am going to talk about life after death. My husband, Clyde George died January 15, 2005. He came home from work at 6 a.m. and I greeted him at the door and he complained about pain he was having in his right arm. We both assumed it was aching probably caused by a cold that had settled in due to the bad weather we had been having. Before he had laid down to sleep he asked God to please get rid of the pain. I lay down beside him and he asked me to move over a bit because as usual I was right next to him and he was near the edge of the bed. I moved over and went back to sleep. One hour later my husband started to breathe really funny which woke me up. I asked him what was the matter and he fell out of the bed. My husband had fallen out of bed before because I was usually right next to him and he would just get up an get back in bed. This time he just lay there on the floor and I couldn't move him. He was wedged between the bed and the dresser and I couldn't get him up. I was so scared. I forgot my bed was on rollers and I could move it and possibly get him up (duh!). I crawled across the bed and call 911. The paramedics came right away. They asked me to leave the room so they could work on my husband and I did. One of the paramedics came out to talk to me to ask me questions. He asked me if he was my husband and if he had been having any medical problems. He asked me my husband's name and I told him "Clyde". He said he was sorry but Clyde was gone. I told him if he would do his job he could bring my husband back. I didn't think they had tried all they could - I thought they were just being lazy. He said they had done all they could and it was too late he was gone. He was very sympathetic. He told me he had to call the police to make sure there was no foul play. The police came and the paramedics sent for the coroner. The policeman asked me if Clyde George was really my husband (my husband is white and I'm black) and I said "yes" and that we had been married for 30 years and we have one son who lived in Texas. The policeman asked me what happened and I told him my husband worked nights and he just came home and he laid down to bed with me. This was 6:30 a.m. and at 9:30 a.m. he started to breathe really odd and fell out of the bed. The police left after taking my statement and so did the paramedics. I was left alone with my husband who was still on the floor. The paramedics had rolled my bed out of the way - Duh! I put a pillow underneath Daddy's head (I called my husband "Daddy" or "Angel") and I put a blanket over him because his body was so cold and I laid down beside him to give him some warmth and to talk to him. I hugged him; I kissed him; I told him he would always be alive to me. I kissed him and told him I had to get dressed because there was going to be a lot of people coming in and out and I was still in my gown and robe. The whole time I was getting dressed I talked to him and I never shed a tear because I knew in my heart from what I read in the Bible that I would get my husband back real soon. My husband bought me a Mayan calendar medallion and the calendar ends at 2012. We used to discuss our Jesus coming back at that time and that we would both be here to see his return. So I knew and I know that I will see my husband and my son, John Anthony who died in 1995 at the age of 35 with AIDS, soon. We will live on this earth for 1000 years in peace and harmony. My lord Jesus died on that cross to make this happen. That's why we celebrate the resurrection and call it Easter.
I know there is life after death.
Today July 15, 2008 my granddaughter, Victoria Grace Jackson and my grandson, Charles Tino Harris Jackson III lost their father Charles Jackson - he was 43 years old. He was the victim of an act of violence. Victoria Grace and Prince Charles you will see your dad again. You will see your dad again very soon and you will be able to live here on this earth with him in peace , joy, love and happiness for 1000 years. That is God's promise. I love you guys - Grandma.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Every little girl dreams of getting married to Prince Charming (thanks to Snow White) and living happily ever after. Well, my granddaughter Victoria Grace was one of those little girls who had that dream and her dream has come true. Please read "The Proposal" and afterwards please tell me what you think. This is true romance at its Zenith. Enjoy!
Will you marry me?
Wesley asked Victoria to be his bride December 11th, 2006.
The Proposal as it Happened Viewthevideo of the proposal along with additional footage of that memorable night.
Helpful Hint! In case it does not occur automatically, you may need to close the music window in the background in order to hear the sound for the video.
His Take
The Proposal as it Happened Viewthevideo of the proposal along with additional footage of that memorable night.
Helpful Hint! In case it does not occur automatically, you may need to close the music window in the background in order to hear the sound for the video.
His Take
I always wanted to do something big when I proposed to that special girl. I went through tons of ideas, but with a tight budget, it made it pretty difficult. However at the same time, it is a one time thing, so I had to do it right. Once I decided on what I was going to do, I shared my idea with my mom and friends. They liked the idea, so I went to work in planning the special night. I started by posting ads on Craigslist for a singer or musicians. I wanted to find someone to sing our special song, "Kissing You" from Romeo and Juliet the movie. Secretly arranging the entire night was somewhat difficult, I eventually found a place to rent a piano and deliver it. This was key to making everything work out. I purchased a ring and had everything scheduled and ready to go.
I told Victoria I had a surprise for her birthday, but made it sound very simple so she wouldn't think anything so she went out to her Moms for the day and ran some other errands. They delivered the piano earlier in the day, it was beautiful. I called my Mom and planned for her to come into the house later to let the singer in. I setup the camera, candles, place settings, lights, e.t.c.
As soon as Victoria came home, I met her outside so she couldn't see what was going on. We went out for the night to watch a movies and I was in contact with the singer at the movies on my "bathroom" breaks to ensure everything was going as planned. We then picked up dinner from Olive Garden to take home. We drove home and I we went to the door, I rang the door bell to signal the singer/piano player to start the song.
She was surprised and I don't think she knew exactly what was going on, but we danced and I waited for the piano interlude to finally propose. I was excited and was so happy everything worked out. We ate dinner and our singer played additional songs for us as we ate and then we relaxed on a couch as we listened to the rest of the music.
I told Victoria I had a surprise for her birthday, but made it sound very simple so she wouldn't think anything so she went out to her Moms for the day and ran some other errands. They delivered the piano earlier in the day, it was beautiful. I called my Mom and planned for her to come into the house later to let the singer in. I setup the camera, candles, place settings, lights, e.t.c.
As soon as Victoria came home, I met her outside so she couldn't see what was going on. We went out for the night to watch a movies and I was in contact with the singer at the movies on my "bathroom" breaks to ensure everything was going as planned. We then picked up dinner from Olive Garden to take home. We drove home and I we went to the door, I rang the door bell to signal the singer/piano player to start the song.
She was surprised and I don't think she knew exactly what was going on, but we danced and I waited for the piano interlude to finally propose. I was excited and was so happy everything worked out. We ate dinner and our singer played additional songs for us as we ate and then we relaxed on a couch as we listened to the rest of the music.
Her Take
I knew he was planning something, but thought it was for my birthday. When we walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes... I was like "What is going on?" I thought it was the most wonderful thing. Then we danced and I was still trying to figure out, why all this for my birthday, then he got on his knee and proposed and finally it all made sense. I was so happy and excited. We ate dinner and just didn't know what to do, everything was so beautiful and my ring was so perfect, I couldn't stop looking at it and smiling. That's how I remember it and till this day it makes me smile.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The joys of parenthood are many... The first time that a bundle of joy sits up by him or herself, that first step, the first tooth and the first time he or she says "mama" - oh what unparalleled joy it is to experience! My children have written me letters from time to time and I would like to share my joy with you by showing off some of their mail to me from them. My childrens' names are John Anthony (he is the oldest), Joseph Jr., Jeanine Antoinette, Jennifer Angelique and Crystin Adrian. These letters reflect how my children viewed me as their mother. I pray they are enlightening to you. Here is a letter and poem from John Anthony my oldest.
HI Mom,
Sorry for the cheap paper. Remember I told you about a poem I wrote. Here it is. I hope you like the pictures I sent. Mom I have really tried to live up to every one's standards but time is not only turning but running rapidly. Pray for me and hopefully with prayer and love we will see each other soon. I hope you like my poem. Maybe next time I'll send you a copy of my book I'm writing , one never knows. Tell Clyde "Hello". Teri says "Hi" also.
I Love you Mom.
John Anthony
Dear Love
How for the flowers bloom.
One cause is forever, our destiny is our choice. A strong heart can change many colors.
A memory can break many fools. Where time goes, life grows. A creative man is a diligent personality. Strength in life is a weakness in virtue. Greatness becomes what seldom is done. A level of life is pardoned by what is to be. Moral thoughts are prejudiced visions. An ear to the blind is morality to the seeing. Understanding is a choice not an issue to be persuaded. Will a day become a satisfaction? Will a blink become a realization? Every turn has it's own purpose, to awaken what's hidden. Our Dwelling, which is consistent to our choice of being. Twisted & Turning, but how far going.
Dear Love
John Anthony died August 26, 1995; he was 35 years old. He died of AIDS. I was his in-home caretaker.
Next is a letter from my youngest daughter Jennifer Angelique.
Hi, my Black Beautiful Gypsy Mom! How are you? I miss you! Remember when you used to wear your "proud to be black afro" on Pleasant Street? I do! You used to put a gold chain through it. Well, I have taken a page out of your book and I am wearing a mini-afro. Remember when you were here? I wore my hair natural and then I switched to wearing a perm. Well I cut the perm out again and this time I am happy with my short nappy hair. Before I only went natural I was trying to please Robert. After reading more books about our history, as well as getting to the root of my insecurities about straightening my hair - I finally grew up! July will be my anniversary for being natural for a year! Hurray! That burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I also want to say that when I was eight years old and I went to live with dad, I felt what you did was right by me which was to make me happy. How I may have turned out while staying there was not your fault. Thank you for always staying in my life! I know at times I pushed you to the limit (I apologize for being disrectful to you) but you have always made yourself available to me and my problems. Thanks Mom!
Today at work I was thinking "The next time we meet, we should go to the beach, park or whereever and sit there in silence and enjoy each other's presence." Mom, what was your favorite subject in school? What is your most favorite memory as a child? Did you ever talk to yourself when you were a child or adult like I do and did? I wonder if Kiki still has Clarissa. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see that doll again. I gave Clarissa up when I was twenty years old which made Clarissa fifteen years old. Now seven years later, Clarissa would be twenty-two. Thanks for being my eccentric mother! Did you know Victoria is crazy about her dolls like I was about mine? Tina told me she treats them like they are real. Time is up Mom; I have to study my math. I have a test in two weeks and I have to get an "A" because on my last test I got an "F"! Of course I did not study! Take care of yourself Tomacina Ann Wuthrich!
Thanks for being my eccentric Mom.
Jennifer is now 40 years old. She didn't go on to get her AA degree in Child Development but there is still hope.
Here is another letter from my bygone parenting past. These are two very wonderful letters from my daughter Jeanine Antoinette who at the present time is not communicating with me... Jeanine your on!
She's pregnant letter.
Hi Mom & Grandpa,
Hows the 2 of you today? Mom I received your letter Thursday. It was nice to hear from you mommie. My why do you always tell me about your finances? That's not my business mommie. I'm glad you have a job but mommie you don't have to tell me all about your money. It's ok mommie, it's ok. Don't hire a maid for me; it's ok. You've done so much helping me move and that's enough. You're so sweet mommie don't go broke ok. I still love you. Well as of Friday Oct. 27th 1995 - I am on maternity leave until Feb. 1st. I 'm just gonna relax and enjoy Tori, Tino and my new arrival soon to be. I really enjoy my home alot. It's very quiet and it's mine so I'm happy. I really miss you mom. I love you so much and thank you for all you have done for me. Jody came over Wednesday and he left Friday. It was a nice visit and it was also good to have adult company. My kids are wonderful company but I enjoyed my brother's visit. Have you heard from Jennifer or Crystin? They're so far away huh mommie? I 'm still not sure on my husband's due date home from his truck driving but I do hope and pray it's sometime soon. I'm writing the letters large so you don't have to focus your eyes as much. You and Jody are always focusing. Wear your glasses mommie. Well it's almost Jennifer's birthday. Your baby girl will be 28 years old. One day my daughter is gonna be 28 years old. How do you feel mommie? You're gonna have a 28 year old baby (smile - congratulations). Victoria went to her first school dance the other day. It was a Halloween party but she wore regular clothes. My baby is growing up and I got one on the way. You're gonna have a new grandchild mommie how do you feel? Are you nervous? Are you happy, excited and thrilled? How do you classify your feeling about the new granchild ? I'm am all the above and more. Mommie I love you so much and I'll be glad to see you again. I'm glad to hear you enjoy your job and it's wonderful to have a good friend to be there when you need one. I know you don't like asking people for things that's the way I am also. Well you deserve a lot of good friends because you're a good person mommie! How do you like this strange weather? Is it gonna rain or what? I cooked beef stew for dinner and brownies - everything was good. I took my braids down and now I just have regular braids in my hair. I need to wash it but I get too tired to do a lot of things and I know if I wash it, I'll have to blow dry it and braid it again and I can't right now - maybe after the baby comes, I'll braid it back but not now. Mommie I'm so sorry I write so ugly. Well I hope you can read it. For Holloween Victoria is gonna be a witch. I told her to be something different she's a witch everyday! (smile) I had to say it mommie you know me. Tino is gonna be a Vampire. I'm gonna be the pregnant lady! (smile). Well my most beautiful mother I love you and I miss and thank you for writing to me.
Love Jeanine.
She's apologizing and promising to never not communicate with me again letter.
Hello Family
I received your letter today. It made me very happy to get your letter. You wrote every name I ever had on the envelope - wow - how funny. You have a good memory still - I see.
The only name you left out was Stink! (smile). I'm so glad you're happy and you and Clyde are doing so well in Oregon. It will be good to see my young & very beautiful mommie again. Happy belated Birthday and to you and Clyde happy belated anniversary. I guess that's how you spell it (smile). I was'nt the kid who won the spelling bee contest as you can see! (smile). I read your letter to my family and they were happy to hear from their grandma. Tino was smiling ear to ear when you kept referring to him as "Prince". Thank you for the invitation for the kids to come out there that's wonderful and I'm always looking for a break (smile). I'm so happy to have my mommie back in my life please don't ever leave me again. I'm sorry for the pain and sorrow I have caused you and Clyde. It really hurt not to have you in my life. One day we will be reunited and very happy like we should be. My kids need you and so do I very very much. Mom I'm gonna go out of my way to love you and to not ever fight with you again. You are the only mom I have and the only mom I will ever call mom. You have my word from now on. I will not hurt you any more because you don't deserve pain, grief and sorrow in your life. I love you mommie and I'm glad you are my mom and I'm glad you gave me time to understand things and I do, I really do understand how you feel. I love you mommie and I am gonna keep the communication lines open now and always. Your oldest daughter has grown up. I am not the same spoiled, selfish uncaring little brat that you once knew. I am now a strong, caring, giving & sharing adult. Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise not to ever take my mommie for granted any more. Please accept my apology mommie. I love you because you gave me life and you have done so much for me in my life and I hope one day I will be able to repay you for all your caring, sharing & giving and all the love you have tried so hard in the past to give me and I would'nt accept. I love you mommie please forgive me, please, please forgive me. Clyde thank you for taking care of my mom and for all the problems I have put my mom through and you were there for her to cry on your shoulders thank you for being there for my mom thanks for all you have done and thanks for all you have done and thank you for not being an abusive husband to my mom. Thank you Clyde for all you have done. I would also like to take this time to apologize to you also Clyde for being a wicked, evil & unforgiving bitch please forgive me ok. I'm sorry for all the pain you and my mom have gone through due to my selfishness. I love both of you and you guys are always in my heart and on my mind. Lots and lots of love take care and thank you for forgiving me.
Love Tina Santos
Thank you all for logging on and please send comments and questions. I would love to hear from you!
Mrs. Wuthrich Words of Wisdom
This is an in depth article that says it all... Babies Having Babies by: Jennifer Stahl and Ashley Browning. Source: Sword and Shield, Nimitz High School Newspaper. January 28-29, 2000.
It is a wonderful feeling to hold your newborn baby in your arms. It has been said that there is no other feeling like it. In many situations, the arms that the baby is held in are of a sixteen-year old or sometimes, younger. Teen pregnancy is basically, babies having babies. The issue of teen pregnancy is a highly controversial topic that is recognized more often than before. It affects many of the students that attend our school. It seems everywhere you go there is a pregnant teen. This teen parenthood "trend" is to the point of normality in high school. Although, it is quite common , we both cannot understand it. Being a teen parent can bring a burden on the teens and society.
For decades, young women have had babies. We know many girls that have been pregnant, but it doesn't change who that person is. To us, they are the same people, but they are responsible for another human being. Being a parent is a huge responsibility at any age. Once someone has a baby they are some one's parents for the rest of their lives.
It is becoming very normal to walk down the hall and see fellow classmates who are pregnant. We never think anything of it since it is part of everyday life. What does the society think of it, though? Teenagers are already viewed differently because of their immaturity, even though that's the whole reason for being a teenager. In a way, getting pregnant may give room for concern with society as a whole.
We could never even think about the possibilities of having a child at such a young age. We have high respect for those girls who have had a baby and are still in school. That seems like the hardest thing to do. Some girls that have a baby while still in high school tend to drop out because they need to raise a family. Teen mothers and fathers are not able to act as teenagers. They must mature faster and become more responsible than normal. They can't have as much fun because they have a young one at home. Like they say, you're only young once, live life when you can. Many times, the father leaves because they can't handle the pressures of being a father, but we're not saying that it is that way all the time.
When a girl gets pregnant, she does have options. We are not stating that we think a certain method is right or wrong. Not all teen mothers feel they are nearly ready to handle a baby and choose a smart and practical way to let the baby and her live good lives. Therefore, in this case the mother may choose adoption, which is a good way to give the baby a chance to be raised by a couple who are ready to be parents. If the teen mother chooses she may keep the baby. Lastly, abortion may also be an option for people who are not ready to enter parenthood.
We are not condoning teen pregnancy but if the situation was to occur there are places to help. Social service agencies can provide counseling, doctor visits and contraceptives. If you don't want to get pregnant, there are contraceptives, but they are not always effective. Abstinence is the best birth control. It is the only one hundred percent sure ways to not get pregnant. People might consider waiting to have sex until they are in a loving relationship with someone they might want to spend the rest of their lives with, which may be the case if they decide to become parents. If you're ready to have the pleasures of sex, you better be willing to face the consequences. In conclusion, we are not trying to degrade anyone that is pregnant or has been pregnant by writing this, but we are just informing the student body about the disadvantages of having children at such a young age. Having a baby is a huge responsibility that should be reserved for when you have reached adulthood and are fully ready to accept the challenges that come with being a parent.
HI Mom,
Sorry for the cheap paper. Remember I told you about a poem I wrote. Here it is. I hope you like the pictures I sent. Mom I have really tried to live up to every one's standards but time is not only turning but running rapidly. Pray for me and hopefully with prayer and love we will see each other soon. I hope you like my poem. Maybe next time I'll send you a copy of my book I'm writing , one never knows. Tell Clyde "Hello". Teri says "Hi" also.
I Love you Mom.
John Anthony
Dear Love
How for the flowers bloom.
One cause is forever, our destiny is our choice. A strong heart can change many colors.
A memory can break many fools. Where time goes, life grows. A creative man is a diligent personality. Strength in life is a weakness in virtue. Greatness becomes what seldom is done. A level of life is pardoned by what is to be. Moral thoughts are prejudiced visions. An ear to the blind is morality to the seeing. Understanding is a choice not an issue to be persuaded. Will a day become a satisfaction? Will a blink become a realization? Every turn has it's own purpose, to awaken what's hidden. Our Dwelling, which is consistent to our choice of being. Twisted & Turning, but how far going.
Dear Love
John Anthony died August 26, 1995; he was 35 years old. He died of AIDS. I was his in-home caretaker.
Next is a letter from my youngest daughter Jennifer Angelique.
Hi, my Black Beautiful Gypsy Mom! How are you? I miss you! Remember when you used to wear your "proud to be black afro" on Pleasant Street? I do! You used to put a gold chain through it. Well, I have taken a page out of your book and I am wearing a mini-afro. Remember when you were here? I wore my hair natural and then I switched to wearing a perm. Well I cut the perm out again and this time I am happy with my short nappy hair. Before I only went natural I was trying to please Robert. After reading more books about our history, as well as getting to the root of my insecurities about straightening my hair - I finally grew up! July will be my anniversary for being natural for a year! Hurray! That burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I also want to say that when I was eight years old and I went to live with dad, I felt what you did was right by me which was to make me happy. How I may have turned out while staying there was not your fault. Thank you for always staying in my life! I know at times I pushed you to the limit (I apologize for being disrectful to you) but you have always made yourself available to me and my problems. Thanks Mom!
Today at work I was thinking "The next time we meet, we should go to the beach, park or whereever and sit there in silence and enjoy each other's presence." Mom, what was your favorite subject in school? What is your most favorite memory as a child? Did you ever talk to yourself when you were a child or adult like I do and did? I wonder if Kiki still has Clarissa. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see that doll again. I gave Clarissa up when I was twenty years old which made Clarissa fifteen years old. Now seven years later, Clarissa would be twenty-two. Thanks for being my eccentric mother! Did you know Victoria is crazy about her dolls like I was about mine? Tina told me she treats them like they are real. Time is up Mom; I have to study my math. I have a test in two weeks and I have to get an "A" because on my last test I got an "F"! Of course I did not study! Take care of yourself Tomacina Ann Wuthrich!
Thanks for being my eccentric Mom.
Jennifer is now 40 years old. She didn't go on to get her AA degree in Child Development but there is still hope.
Parenting is a full time job. You never stop being a parent. More on this subject and letters from my children to come (both good and bad). Please send me your comments and your questions. All comments and questions will be posted on the blog.
Here is another letter from my bygone parenting past. These are two very wonderful letters from my daughter Jeanine Antoinette who at the present time is not communicating with me... Jeanine your on!
She's pregnant letter.
Hi Mom & Grandpa,
Hows the 2 of you today? Mom I received your letter Thursday. It was nice to hear from you mommie. My why do you always tell me about your finances? That's not my business mommie. I'm glad you have a job but mommie you don't have to tell me all about your money. It's ok mommie, it's ok. Don't hire a maid for me; it's ok. You've done so much helping me move and that's enough. You're so sweet mommie don't go broke ok. I still love you. Well as of Friday Oct. 27th 1995 - I am on maternity leave until Feb. 1st. I 'm just gonna relax and enjoy Tori, Tino and my new arrival soon to be. I really enjoy my home alot. It's very quiet and it's mine so I'm happy. I really miss you mom. I love you so much and thank you for all you have done for me. Jody came over Wednesday and he left Friday. It was a nice visit and it was also good to have adult company. My kids are wonderful company but I enjoyed my brother's visit. Have you heard from Jennifer or Crystin? They're so far away huh mommie? I 'm still not sure on my husband's due date home from his truck driving but I do hope and pray it's sometime soon. I'm writing the letters large so you don't have to focus your eyes as much. You and Jody are always focusing. Wear your glasses mommie. Well it's almost Jennifer's birthday. Your baby girl will be 28 years old. One day my daughter is gonna be 28 years old. How do you feel mommie? You're gonna have a 28 year old baby (smile - congratulations). Victoria went to her first school dance the other day. It was a Halloween party but she wore regular clothes. My baby is growing up and I got one on the way. You're gonna have a new grandchild mommie how do you feel? Are you nervous? Are you happy, excited and thrilled? How do you classify your feeling about the new granchild ? I'm am all the above and more. Mommie I love you so much and I'll be glad to see you again. I'm glad to hear you enjoy your job and it's wonderful to have a good friend to be there when you need one. I know you don't like asking people for things that's the way I am also. Well you deserve a lot of good friends because you're a good person mommie! How do you like this strange weather? Is it gonna rain or what? I cooked beef stew for dinner and brownies - everything was good. I took my braids down and now I just have regular braids in my hair. I need to wash it but I get too tired to do a lot of things and I know if I wash it, I'll have to blow dry it and braid it again and I can't right now - maybe after the baby comes, I'll braid it back but not now. Mommie I'm so sorry I write so ugly. Well I hope you can read it. For Holloween Victoria is gonna be a witch. I told her to be something different she's a witch everyday! (smile) I had to say it mommie you know me. Tino is gonna be a Vampire. I'm gonna be the pregnant lady! (smile). Well my most beautiful mother I love you and I miss and thank you for writing to me.
Love Jeanine.
She's apologizing and promising to never not communicate with me again letter.
Hello Family
I received your letter today. It made me very happy to get your letter. You wrote every name I ever had on the envelope - wow - how funny. You have a good memory still - I see.
The only name you left out was Stink! (smile). I'm so glad you're happy and you and Clyde are doing so well in Oregon. It will be good to see my young & very beautiful mommie again. Happy belated Birthday and to you and Clyde happy belated anniversary. I guess that's how you spell it (smile). I was'nt the kid who won the spelling bee contest as you can see! (smile). I read your letter to my family and they were happy to hear from their grandma. Tino was smiling ear to ear when you kept referring to him as "Prince". Thank you for the invitation for the kids to come out there that's wonderful and I'm always looking for a break (smile). I'm so happy to have my mommie back in my life please don't ever leave me again. I'm sorry for the pain and sorrow I have caused you and Clyde. It really hurt not to have you in my life. One day we will be reunited and very happy like we should be. My kids need you and so do I very very much. Mom I'm gonna go out of my way to love you and to not ever fight with you again. You are the only mom I have and the only mom I will ever call mom. You have my word from now on. I will not hurt you any more because you don't deserve pain, grief and sorrow in your life. I love you mommie and I'm glad you are my mom and I'm glad you gave me time to understand things and I do, I really do understand how you feel. I love you mommie and I am gonna keep the communication lines open now and always. Your oldest daughter has grown up. I am not the same spoiled, selfish uncaring little brat that you once knew. I am now a strong, caring, giving & sharing adult. Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise not to ever take my mommie for granted any more. Please accept my apology mommie. I love you because you gave me life and you have done so much for me in my life and I hope one day I will be able to repay you for all your caring, sharing & giving and all the love you have tried so hard in the past to give me and I would'nt accept. I love you mommie please forgive me, please, please forgive me. Clyde thank you for taking care of my mom and for all the problems I have put my mom through and you were there for her to cry on your shoulders thank you for being there for my mom thanks for all you have done and thanks for all you have done and thank you for not being an abusive husband to my mom. Thank you Clyde for all you have done. I would also like to take this time to apologize to you also Clyde for being a wicked, evil & unforgiving bitch please forgive me ok. I'm sorry for all the pain you and my mom have gone through due to my selfishness. I love both of you and you guys are always in my heart and on my mind. Lots and lots of love take care and thank you for forgiving me.
Love Tina Santos
Thank you all for logging on and please send comments and questions. I would love to hear from you!
Mrs. Wuthrich Words of Wisdom
This is an in depth article that says it all... Babies Having Babies by: Jennifer Stahl and Ashley Browning. Source: Sword and Shield, Nimitz High School Newspaper. January 28-29, 2000.
It is a wonderful feeling to hold your newborn baby in your arms. It has been said that there is no other feeling like it. In many situations, the arms that the baby is held in are of a sixteen-year old or sometimes, younger. Teen pregnancy is basically, babies having babies. The issue of teen pregnancy is a highly controversial topic that is recognized more often than before. It affects many of the students that attend our school. It seems everywhere you go there is a pregnant teen. This teen parenthood "trend" is to the point of normality in high school. Although, it is quite common , we both cannot understand it. Being a teen parent can bring a burden on the teens and society.
For decades, young women have had babies. We know many girls that have been pregnant, but it doesn't change who that person is. To us, they are the same people, but they are responsible for another human being. Being a parent is a huge responsibility at any age. Once someone has a baby they are some one's parents for the rest of their lives.
It is becoming very normal to walk down the hall and see fellow classmates who are pregnant. We never think anything of it since it is part of everyday life. What does the society think of it, though? Teenagers are already viewed differently because of their immaturity, even though that's the whole reason for being a teenager. In a way, getting pregnant may give room for concern with society as a whole.
We could never even think about the possibilities of having a child at such a young age. We have high respect for those girls who have had a baby and are still in school. That seems like the hardest thing to do. Some girls that have a baby while still in high school tend to drop out because they need to raise a family. Teen mothers and fathers are not able to act as teenagers. They must mature faster and become more responsible than normal. They can't have as much fun because they have a young one at home. Like they say, you're only young once, live life when you can. Many times, the father leaves because they can't handle the pressures of being a father, but we're not saying that it is that way all the time.
When a girl gets pregnant, she does have options. We are not stating that we think a certain method is right or wrong. Not all teen mothers feel they are nearly ready to handle a baby and choose a smart and practical way to let the baby and her live good lives. Therefore, in this case the mother may choose adoption, which is a good way to give the baby a chance to be raised by a couple who are ready to be parents. If the teen mother chooses she may keep the baby. Lastly, abortion may also be an option for people who are not ready to enter parenthood.
We are not condoning teen pregnancy but if the situation was to occur there are places to help. Social service agencies can provide counseling, doctor visits and contraceptives. If you don't want to get pregnant, there are contraceptives, but they are not always effective. Abstinence is the best birth control. It is the only one hundred percent sure ways to not get pregnant. People might consider waiting to have sex until they are in a loving relationship with someone they might want to spend the rest of their lives with, which may be the case if they decide to become parents. If you're ready to have the pleasures of sex, you better be willing to face the consequences. In conclusion, we are not trying to degrade anyone that is pregnant or has been pregnant by writing this, but we are just informing the student body about the disadvantages of having children at such a young age. Having a baby is a huge responsibility that should be reserved for when you have reached adulthood and are fully ready to accept the challenges that come with being a parent.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
2008 Elections
As a registered voter for the upcoming presidential election in November, please Mr. John McCain and please Mr. Barack Obama elaborate on your plan to put foreclosed people back in their homes. We need jobs, inexpensive health care and education. The US is 17th in education worldwide. We also need a living wage and to end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama when you criticize each other's plan it is as though you don't think your own plan is viable - the attack is a ruse to distract the voters. We voters are not as dumb as you politicians would like to believe. My vote is going to the candidate with the Best Plan. Think about that gentlemen.
Homeless outside a Church
I am appealing to all churches and all denominations across America to please open your church doors to the homeless and lost people of our country. Las Vegas is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Las Vegas is always open! In this day and time the church above all else should never be closed. Unlock the door and let our Lord in. He will bless you for it. Let those that will hear - hear. If Las Vegas can stay open 24 hours a day and never close to allow the sinners access to their establishments - then the church really needs to keep their doors open and never close. The church needs all the sinners it can get and the best time to recruit is the wee hours in the morning when everybody else is asleep. All comments and question are welcomed.
Homeless outside a Church
I am appealing to all churches and all denominations across America to please open your church doors to the homeless and lost people of our country. Las Vegas is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Las Vegas is always open! In this day and time the church above all else should never be closed. Unlock the door and let our Lord in. He will bless you for it. Let those that will hear - hear. If Las Vegas can stay open 24 hours a day and never close to allow the sinners access to their establishments - then the church really needs to keep their doors open and never close. The church needs all the sinners it can get and the best time to recruit is the wee hours in the morning when everybody else is asleep. All comments and question are welcomed.
Foreclosure Mayhem
At the present time there are homeowners across America forced out of their homes due to foreclosures. Some homeowners are just walking away and leaving behind possessions as well as the family pet. Those with swimming pools are leaving the pools full of water with the risk of disease spreading insects multiplying. The obvious solution would be to waive the adjustable rate and give the homeowner a low fixed rate (lenders earn thousands of dollars in interest) which is what they should have received in the beginning and the homeowner can keep his home. It is a win - win situation for everyone this way. The city government will win because the homeowner will be paying property taxes on the property; the banks and mortgage companies win because the mortgage payments - interest and principal are being paid, the property is being maintained and neighborhoods are flourishing keeping property values stable. Most importantly, the homeowner benefits - he gets to keep his American Dream!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Starting your own business is the backbone of our American culture. People from all over the world have come and settled here and started small businesses that grew into large companies and franchises. Now is the time when new ideas are realy making big bucks. A teacher once told me people should find their niche and fill it. At the present time these are some of the niches that need filling.
1. Replacement of oil for fueling cars.
2. A use for all the plastic bottles that are polluting our oceans.
3. Cars made of a substance that when in collision is unscathed (maybe somthing made out of all those plastic bottles in our oceans).
These are just to name a few. I welcome all comments and questions.
1. Replacement of oil for fueling cars.
2. A use for all the plastic bottles that are polluting our oceans.
3. Cars made of a substance that when in collision is unscathed (maybe somthing made out of all those plastic bottles in our oceans).
These are just to name a few. I welcome all comments and questions.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
For the Ladies
There is a difference between a male and a gentleman. Honest folks a male is out for what he can get. A gentleman wants to give. For instance a male wants to be picked up for an evening out and the lady is supposed to pay. A gentleman does the picking up and he pays for the evening out. Males expect to be intimate on the first date as if it were his due. A gentleman treats women as ladies and ladies don't put out! The reason most men would- be gentlemam are so reluctant to walk down that aisle is because they want to Marry a Lady! Men would-be gentlemen want to wed a lady not a female. They want the mother of their children to be someone special. After the initial attraction wears off and the female has allowed unlimited intimacy then it is time for the male would - be gentleman - to move on to greener pastures. Male would - be gentlemen enjoy the Chase once the Chase is over the excitement is gone.
Rule #1. Do not buy a man or put a man on your cell phone plan. Don't do it! He will use the phone you gave him to call other women.
Rule #2. Do not let him move in with you!! Bad, Bad Idea!
Rule #3. Do not lend him any money!!! Do Not Ladies!!!
Rule #4. Do not loan him your car especially if he is not on your insurance plan. An accident will cost you a bundle!
Rule #5. Talk to him about what is important to you. Find out what is important to him.
Find out if you are compatible. If you want children and he hates kids you are not compatible! You are waisting your time and his. The real cute ones are not always the best one for a serious relationship. I would love to hear from you. Please send in your comments and questions.
Rule #1. Do not buy a man or put a man on your cell phone plan. Don't do it! He will use the phone you gave him to call other women.
Rule #2. Do not let him move in with you!! Bad, Bad Idea!
Rule #3. Do not lend him any money!!! Do Not Ladies!!!
Rule #4. Do not loan him your car especially if he is not on your insurance plan. An accident will cost you a bundle!
Rule #5. Talk to him about what is important to you. Find out what is important to him.
Find out if you are compatible. If you want children and he hates kids you are not compatible! You are waisting your time and his. The real cute ones are not always the best one for a serious relationship. I would love to hear from you. Please send in your comments and questions.
Roaches in the home
Most people in America are poor and this limits our options when it comes to housing. Often times the only available housing that is affordable is also roach infested. Believe it or not but roaches can't live in a clean environment. Roaches thrive on Filfth. The smellier the home with used pampers in the trash, dirty dishes in the sink and elsewhere in the home, dirty household pets, cat litter boxes that haven't been dumped, soda, beer and other containers saved for recycling but not rinsed out, damp area underneath the sink and inside cubboards, food and drink that has spilled inside cupboards on the floor that was not cleaned up. All of these create a breeding ground for roaches and other bugs. Roaches Love Filth.
Clean up your home and Roaches will be gone.
Clean up your home and Roaches will be gone.
Friday, June 20, 2008
About My Blog
My words of wisdom will be a source of help and reflection to those out there that don't find the other popular blogs meeting their needs. I will have guest bloggers, posts and stories from a myriad of sources to help further the cause of enriching the world in my small way. Please send in your comments and questions and I will try my best to address it if feedback is necessary. Together we shall grow and contribute to the world community by bringing a voice that has been hidden from mainstream America and the rest of the world. Please feel free to bring up topics that you feel should be explored and disected. What I have to say won't always be what people want to hear but I know is necessary to create a dialogue about the direction the country and the world should be moving in. My goal is to provide a forum for the improvement of our individual lives and thus our communities and the world.In my words of wisdom I will be as candid and explicit as the law allows!
About Me
I am a widow - 3 years. I was with my husband when he passed away. He came home from work at 6 a.m. and went to bed and passed away at 9:30 a.m. of a heart attack. We had one child together and I had four other children. My husband and I were married for 30 years. We had planned to renew our vows on our anniversary date. I am the mother of three boys and two girls; the grandmother of four boys and two girls and the great grandmother of one girl and a boy. I attend a junior college to obtain my Associate's of Arts Degree. My goal is to obtain a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree and to attend Harvard to get my Doctural. My major is Business Administration. I work part time as an Odor Panelist for the Department of Sanitation. I am an avid reader. Fraser and Law and Order (all of them) are my favorite televisvion programs. I have Beta's Fighting Summari fish in ten bowls and lots of house plants.
I love music of all kinds. I am a great cook and I can sew by hand and my hands are a machine!
The blog will be a source of help - all kinds of help. Please send in your comments and questions. The comments will give me the insight on the type of topics that should be explored and talked about. The questions will be to help individuals and groups have a more rewarding life. I will endeavor to answer all questions as thoroughly as I possibly can.
In my words wisdom I will be as candid as explicit as the law allows.
About Me
I am a widow - 3 years. I was with my husband when he passed away. He came home from work at 6 a.m. and went to bed and passed away at 9:30 a.m. of a heart attack. We had one child together and I had four other children. My husband and I were married for 30 years. We had planned to renew our vows on our anniversary date. I am the mother of three boys and two girls; the grandmother of four boys and two girls and the great grandmother of one girl and a boy. I attend a junior college to obtain my Associate's of Arts Degree. My goal is to obtain a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree and to attend Harvard to get my Doctural. My major is Business Administration. I work part time as an Odor Panelist for the Department of Sanitation. I am an avid reader. Fraser and Law and Order (all of them) are my favorite televisvion programs. I have Beta's Fighting Summari fish in ten bowls and lots of house plants.
I love music of all kinds. I am a great cook and I can sew by hand and my hands are a machine!
The blog will be a source of help - all kinds of help. Please send in your comments and questions. The comments will give me the insight on the type of topics that should be explored and talked about. The questions will be to help individuals and groups have a more rewarding life. I will endeavor to answer all questions as thoroughly as I possibly can.
In my words wisdom I will be as candid as explicit as the law allows.
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